Advanced Topic: A Moon-Based Imaging of Earth’s Surface

10 Advanced Topic: A Moon-Based Imaging of Earth’s Surface

Earth observation from remote sensing satellites orbiting in a low Earth orbit provides a continuous stream of data that can enable a better understanding of the Earth with respect to climate change [1]. Recently, the concept of observing the Earth from the Moon-based platform was proposed [24]. The Moon, as the Earth’s only natural satellite, is stable in periodic motion, making an onboard sensor unique in observing large-scale phenomena that are related to the Earth’s environmental change [5,6]. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR), an active sensor, provides effective monitoring of the Earth with all-time observation capabilities [7,8]. A SAR placed in the lunar platform was proposed [3], in which the configurations and performance of The Moon-Based SAR system was thoroughly investigated. Also, the concept of the Moon-based Interferometric SAR (InSAR) were analyzed by Renga and Moccia [4]. Later, the performance and potential applications of the Moon-Based SAR were characterized by Moccia and Renga [5], and the scientific and technical issues in the application of lunar-based repeat track and along-track interferometry in [6]. Following this stream of development, an L-band Moon-Based SAR for monitoring large-scale phenomena related to global environmental changes was discussed [9]. These studies are focused on the performance analysis and potential applications with some assumptions, such as a regular spherical Earth, an orbicular circular lunar orbit, a fixed earth’s rotational velocity, and a stationary Moon. By so doing, the SAR onboard Moon can be viewed as an inverse SAR (ISAR) or an equivalent sliding spotlight SAR [6,10].


The imaging of the SAR system depends on the relative motion between the earth target and Moon-Based SAR. In the relative motion, it is noted that the Moon revolves around the Earth with an average rotational velocity of 1023 m/s and a sidereal month of 27.32 days. The lunar orbit is elliptical, with an average semi-major axis of 384,748 km and an average eccentricity of 0.0549, which is close to a circular cycle. The lunar perigee is approximately 363,300 km, while the apogee can be up to 405,500 km. The angle between the lunar orbit plane and the Earth’s equatorial plane varies from 18.3° to 28.6°, with a period of 18.6 years [11]. Under a right-handed geocentric inertial reference frame (to be defined in the following section), with the Z-axis towards the North Pole and the X-axis pointing to the true equinox of the date, the radar Moon-Earth geometry is shown in Figure 10.1, where the lunar ascension and declination are designated by (am,δm) and the longitude and latitude of the ground target by (ag,δg). Rc is the slant range at the beam center crossing time and ψ is the grazing angle which determines the spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR at a specified time. When the ascending node of the lunar orbit points to the true equinox of the date, the lunar declination reaches its maximum value under the same reference frame.


FIGURE 10.1 An unified right-handed geocentric inertial reference coordinate system for Moon-Based synthetic aperture radar (SAR), where point g represents the ground target, REM is the distance between the Earth and the Moon-Based SAR, which can be approximately regarded as the Earth and the Moon, and RE is the earth radius at point g (sketch not to scale).


To define the Moon-based SAR’s imaging geometry as shown in Figure 10.1, it is critical to obtain the accurate position vectors of the ground target and SAR system under a spatial reference system in a specified time coordinate [12,13]. The Barycentric Dynamical Time (TBD) is used for providing the coordinate time scale [14,15]. Then, the Moon-based SAR and ground target are mapped to the same reference frame through a series of coordinate conversions.

To uniquely describe the locations of the SAR system on the Moon’s surface and target on the Earth’s surface, we introduce four reference frames (see Figure 10.2):

  1. Moon-Centered Moon-Fixed Coordinate System (MCMF): The MCMF is used for providing the location of the SAR system on the lunar surface. It is a right-handed reference frame where the x-axis extends from the Moon’s center to the mean Earth direction. The z-axis points to the mean rotational pole of the Moon.
  2. Moon-Centered Inertial Coordinate System (MCI): The origin of the MCI is defined as the Moon’s center with the z-axis along the direction of the celestial north and the x-axis toward the vernal equinox. The y-axis obeys a right-hand rule.
  3. Earth-Centered Inertial Coordinate System (ECI): This is a right-handed reference frame and is served to describe the location of the Moon along its orbit. In the ECI, its origin is located at the Earth’s center, with the x-axis pointing to the vernal equinox and the z-axis pointing to the celestial north.
  4. Earth-Centered Rotational Coordinate System (ECR): The ECR is a right-handed reference frame; it is also known as the conventional terrestrial system. The origin of the ECR is Earth’s center. The x-axis is directed toward the Greenwich Meridian. The z-axis points to the North Pole of the Earth.

FIGURE 10.2 The definitions of the reference frames, where ‘M’ represents the site of the Moon-based SAR on the lunar surface. For the sake of clarity, this diagram is not to scale.

The position vector of the SAR system on the Moon’s surface in the ECI can be determined by [5]


where RSARMCMF and DEMECI are the position vector of the SAR system in the MCMF and that of the Moon’s center in the ECI, respectively. Generally, DEMECI can be obtained from the lunar ephemeris. MMCIMCMF, the coordinate transformation matrix from the MCMF to MCI, is defined as [16]


where ϕm, θm, and ψm are three auxiliary angles assigned to describe the libration of the Moon [17]. Rx, Ry, and Rz are rotation matrices about the x-, y-, and z-axes, respectively.

Then, the position vector of the Moon-based SAR in the ECR is acquired through the following transformation [18,19]


with the transformation matrix expressed as


where matrices P, N, Θ, and Π represent coordinate changes due to the precession, nutation, earth rotation, and polar motion, respectively. The transformations from the ECI to ECR are given next.


The transformation from the ECI to ECR is achieved by Equation 10.4, where the matrix P represents the coordinate change because of the precession and is given by [12]:


where ξ, ϑ, and z are all the auxiliary angles that describe precession in units of seconds. They are expressed as


where T is the Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) in Julian centuries from J2000.0 Rx, Ry, and Rz, are rotation matrices about the x-, y-, and z-axes, respectively, explicitly given by


The transformation matrix from the mean equator and equinox of the Earth to the true equator and equinox of the Earth can be written as


where ε is the mean obliquity of the ecliptic, it can be expressed as follows


Δε and Δψ in Equation 10.8 are the nutation in longitude and obliquity, respectively, and are, keeping the consistency with the DE430, given by


where Ω is the mean longitude of the ascending node of the lunar orbit measured on the ecliptic plane from the mean equinox of date, it is


The matrix Θ is related to the Earth’s self-rotation, which takes the form




where GAST represents the Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time, GMST is the Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time, which can be obtained by


where T0 and Tu are given by


The time unit of T0 and Tu are Universal Time1 (UT1), which is another time scale [12].

Finally, the matrix related to the polar motion of the Earth is given by


where Φx and Φy are computed with an estimated linear correction in the DE430, as


where Φx0 and Φy0 are the rotations of the x-axis and y-axis at J2000.0, respectively. dΦx/dt and dΦx/dt are the linear corrections rates of Φx and Φy, respectively. They are



Once the coordinate transformation is accomplished, the distance from the Earth to the Moon-based SAR (see Figure 10.1), nadir point’s latitude and longitude can be readily obtained, respectively, by




where (xm,ym,zm) are the coordinates of the Moon-based SAR in the ECR.


Since a specific site of the Moon-based SAR is yet to be determined, to proceed with analyzing the coverage on the Earth’s surface, the position of the Moon-based SAR is assumed to be the same as that of the Moon because of the extremely long distance from the Earth to the Moon. The relevant parameters for investigating the coverage are listed in Table 10.1.

TABLE 10.1
Parameters of the Moon-Based SAR in the ECR

Symbol Parameters Symbol Parameters
M Site of Moon-based SAR B Nadir point
g Ground target RE Earth’s radius at g
ag Earth’s longitude at g am Nadir point’s longitude
δg Earth’s latitude at g δm+tan1(RMRSAR) Nadir point’s latitude
RSAR Earth–Moon-based SAR distance Rc Slant range of the Moon-based SAR
amtan1(RMRSAR) Linear velocity of the Earth’s rotation at g ψ Grazing angle
θe Geocentric angle θel Elevation angle
ϕ Azimuthal angle δmtan1(RMRSAR) Longitudinal deviation

The geocentric angle, defined as the angle between the nadir point of the Moon-based SAR and the ground target referring to the Earth’s center, is


where α is the longitudinal deviation and is defined as


The elevation angle that is the angle between the Moon-based SAR’s position vector and slant range vector is specified by


The grazing angle, the angle between the slant range and ground range plane, can be expressed as


The azimuthal angle, the angle between the slant range vector in the ground plane and velocity vector of the Earth’s self-rotation (eastward), takes the form


It should be noted that the direction of Earth’s self-rotation is used as a reference, represented by an azimuthal angle of 0°.

The slant range Rc of the Moon-based SAR, is given by


Detailed derivations of Equations 10.22–10.25 are given in [19].

The geocentric and azimuthal angles, together with the grazing angle or elevation angle, determine the spatial coverage of a Moon-based SAR. Here, we choose the geocentric, azimuthal, and grazing angles to examine the Moon-based SAR’s spatial coverage.

From Figure 10.3, the grazing angle should be bounded by


where ψfar and ψnear are the lower and upper bounds of the grazing angle, respectively.


FIGURE 10.3 Illustration of ψfar and ψnear, the lower and upper bounds of the grazing angle, respectively (sketch not to scale).

Substituting Equation 10.25 into Equation 10.22 and imposing Equation 10.28, Equation 10.22 becomes


As far as the Moon-based SAR’s spatial coverage is concerned, the slant range in Equation 10.27 can be further approximated to


To confirm the validity of above equation in the context Moon-based SAR’s spatial coverage, a relative error is defined as


Figure 10.4 presents the relative errors at perigee and apogee of the lunar orbit in the αδg domain. For the sake of simplicity but without loss of generality, the latitude of the Moon-based SAR’s nadir point is set to 0°, and the grazing angle is ranged from 0° to 90°. As detailed in Figure 10.4, the maximum value of the relative error δR is far smaller than 10‒3, which appears at the nadir point regardless of the distance from the Earth to the Moon-based SAR. This suggests that the approximation of the slant range in Equation 10.30 has little bearing on the dimensionless quantity, δR. In other words, the error induced by the approximation of the slant range can be reasonably ignored in determining the spatial coverage of a Moon-based SAR. However, we must compensate for this error given the rise in the image focusing. Accordingly, Equation 10.29 can be approximated by taking account of Equation 10.30 to





FIGURE 10.4 The relative errors δR in the αδg domain at (a) perigee of the lunar orbit, (b) apogee of the lunar orbit.

Note that the ratio of Earth’s radius to Earth–Moon-based SAR distance is spatiotemporally varying as follows


where ΔRES is the spatially varying component of the Earth’s radius at an arbitrary position on the Earth’s surface for the average Earth’s radius, REA; ΔRSART is the temporally varying part of the Earth–Moon-based SAR distance at any time referring to the average distance from the Earth to the Moon-based SAR, RSARA. It can be calculated that ΔRSART/RSARA is approximately 30 times larger than ΔRES/REA during one period of the lunar revolution. Thus, the spatially varying component of the Earth’s radius contributes little to Equation 10.34 (i.e., the ratio of Earth’s radius to Earth–Moon-based SAR distance). Hence, it is reasonably to accept a constant Earth’s radius (6371.0 km) here.


Generally, a single antenna can observe a limited portion of the Earth’s surface in a given time frame. However, multi-antennas or antenna array can achieve the maximum extent of the spatial coverage by adjusting the pointing direction of each antenna. For example, the half-power beam width of a single antenna is [37]


where λ is the wavelength, is the aperture length, kxy is the aperture-illumination taper factor for the antenna. Generally, a value of kxy =1.5 is appropriate for an antenna with high beam efficiency. The spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR is subject to the imaging geometry because the SAR system cannot have nadir imaging and it may perform poorly at large incident angles. Thus, the grazing angle should be limited to a valid range: The observed areas of the satellite SAR are commonly restricted within the range from 20° to 60° of incident angles, namely from 70° to 30° of grazing angles. Regarding the Moon-based SAR, the near and far grazing angles should be limited to a practical range for covering the globe within each cycle of the lunar revolution.

The far grazing angle is determined such that both the North and South Poles of the Earth are observable during one lunar revolution. By letting |δg|=90°, the following relationship is readily obtained


Once the far grazing angle exceeds its upper bound, neither the North Pole nor the South Pole is covered by the Moon-based SAR wherever the nadir point is located. It is noted that even when the far grazing angle is bounded, the North Pole (or the South Pole) is not always observed by the Moon-based SAR. The observation of the North Pole (or the South Pole) is still subjected to the nadir point’s latitude, as will be evidenced in the next sub-section.

Similarly, the near grazing angle should satisfy the following relationship to cover the equatorial regions:


Note that only when the near grazing angle is larger than the lower bound can the equatorial regions of the Earth be observed during each cycle of the lunar revolution.

The inclination of the lunar orbit to the Earth’s equatorial plane stands at between 18.3° and 28.6° [20]; in other words, the maximum scale of the nadir point’s latitude varies from 18.3° to 28.6°. In Figure 10.5(a), we plot the bounds of the far grazing angle at apogee and perigee of the lunar orbit versus nadir point’s latitude. Then, bounds of the near grazing angle at apogee and perigee of the lunar orbit for the magnitude of the nadir point’s latitude are plotted in Figure 10.5(b). The range of latitude for the nadir point of the Moon-based SAR is 18.3° to 28.6°.


FIGURE 10.5 With the Moon located at the apogee and the perigee of the lunar orbit, (a) shows the upper bound of far grazing angle for covering the Earth’s Poles (Neither the North Pole nor the South Pole is observed when the far grazing angle is beyond the lines), and (b) shows the lower bound of near grazing angle for covering the equatorial regions; the equatorial regions will not be observed when the near grazing angle is below the lines.

Even though the spatial coverage is bounded by the near and far grazing angles, the image quality of the Moon-based SAR is still an issue. The Moon-based SAR system usually works in the squint mode when observing the bounded regions, which would lead to pixel skewing on the ground and raise a significant challenge to the image quality. Under the skewing effect, satisfactory imaging is only available when the iso-range and iso-Doppler profiles are relatively far from being parallel. Generally, the quasi-parallel regions of the iso-range and iso-Doppler contours occur at where the azimuthal angles are close to 0° or 180°. Therefore, it is practical to examine the spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR by limiting the azimuthal angle, namely


where ϕb is the bound of the azimuthal angle; here we should set it to 30° to ensure the good image quality.

In Figures 10.6(a–d) we plot the iso-range and iso-Doppler profiles in the αδg domain within the boundary set by Equation 10.38 with the Moon-based SAR locating at different positions listed in Table 10.2. The beam center crossing time is set to 00:00:00 without loss of generality.


FIGURE 10.6 Iso-Doppler and iso-range profiles in the αδg domain at 00:00:00 on (a) March 20, 2024, (b) March 25, 2024, (c) April 01, 2024, and (d) April 07, 2024.

TABLE 10.2
Coordinates of the Moon-Based SAR in the ECR at Different Times

Coordinates Time X(km) Y(km) Z(km)
Mar. 20, 2024, 00:00:00 221041.4734 ‒289559.7324 167171.4715
Mar. 25, 2024, 00:00:00 405558.5205 ‒8874.6121 4569.0584
Apr. 01, 2024, 00:00:00 74979.4046 330070.1283 ‒183398.9317
Apr. 07, 2024, 00:00:00 ‒332302.4149 133331.8257 ‒30492.2954

*The latitudes of the nadir point on Mar.20 and Apr.01 are close to the maximum and minimum values, while latitudes of the nadir point on Mar.25 and Apr.07 are approaching 0° of the latitude.

From Figure 10.6, the iso-Doppler and iso-range contours cut across each other wherever the Moon-based SAR is located. This suggests that the image quality is acceptable even when the Moon-based SAR system operates in a squint mode. Thus, the skewing effect exerts a little impact on the spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR within the scope from Equation 10.38.

Finally, we can obtain the bounds of the geocentric angle that determines the Moon-based SAR’s spatial coverage as


where θeup is the upper bound of geocentric angle, defined as


θelow, the lower bound of geocentric angle is


where the threshold value αth is given by


Note that the upper bound of geocentric angle, related to the far grazing angle, determines the exterior boundary of the spatial coverage. In comparison, the lower bound of the geocentric angle is correlated to the near grazing angle and bound of the azimuthal angle. It decides the blind region that cannot be observed by the Moon-based SAR within the scope from the upper bound of the geocentric angle.


Now, the spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR can be examined in terms of the coverage area and ground coverage. To begin with, the coverage area of the Moon-based SAR within the bound of Equation 10.39 is detailed below.

Once the spatial coverage is limited to the range in Equation 10.39, the Moon-based SAR’s coverage area on the Earth’s surface can be approximated by [19]




Accordingly, the ratio of the Moon-based SAR’s coverage area to the global area can be written as


Detailed derivations of Equations 10.43 and 10.45 can be found in [19].

It follows that the coverage area on the Earth’s surface is related to the ratio of the Earth’s radius to the Earth–Moon-based SAR distance, the near and far grazing angles, and bound of the azimuthal angle. As the bounds of the grazing and azimuthal angles are ascertained in the preceding analysis, the coverage area of the Moon-based SAR depends only on the ratio of the Earth’s radius to the distance from the Earth to the Moon-based SAR.

Given the imaging geometry of the Moon-based SAR, the maximum ground coverage’s latitude occurs at 0° of the longitudinal deviation. Then, the maximum and minimum latitudes of the ground coverage can be obtained from Equations 10.39 and 10.40, as given by


By noting that the peak values of the Earth’s latitude are ±90°, a threshold for the nadir point’s latitude is defined


When the grazing angle of the Moon-based SAR is bounded by the far grazing angle, the coverages of the North and South Poles of the Earth are still pertinent to the latitude of the nadir point, threshold value δmth, and opposite value of the threshold, δmth.

In Figure 10.7, we plot the ground coverage of the Moon-based SAR at various latitudes of the nadir point (0°, −10°, 18°, and −28°) in the αδg domain. The Earth–Moon-based SAR distance is set to 385,000 km, the average distance from the Earth to the Moon-based SAR; it can be calculated that the threshold δmth for this distance is to 15.916°. As illustrated in Figure 10.7, there exist blind regions within the ground coverage bounded by the far grazing angle due to the effects of the near grazing angle and bound of the azimuthal angle. Besides, the longitudinal ground coverage is rotationally symmetric about the axis of α=0°, whereas the latitudinal ground coverage is asymmetric except the nadir point being at the Earth’s equator. Moreover, when the nadir point’s latitude is smaller than the threshold of δmth, neither of the Earth’s Poles is covered by the Moon-based SAR. Meanwhile, the maximum size of the longitudinal deviation is always smaller than 90°. Regarding the Moon-based SAR’s nadir point whose latitude is larger than δmth, such as in Figure 10.7(c), the North Pole is covered by the Moon-based SAR. However, the high latitudes in the southern hemisphere of the Earth cannot be observed. On the contrary, if the nadir point’s latitude is smaller than δmth, the South Pole can be covered by the Moon-based SAR, but the high latitudes in the northern hemisphere are not. Under both conditions, the maximum longitudinal deviation can reach as large as 180°.


FIGURE 10.7 The Moon-based SAR’s ground coverage with an Earth–Moon-based SAR distance of 385,000 km at the nadir point’s latitude of (a) 0°, (b) −10°, (c) 18°, and (d) −28°.


The spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR is determined by the Earth–Moon-based SAR distance, bounds of grazing and azimuthal angles, and position of the nadir point at a specified time. The nadir point, which temporally varies, effectively induces the temporal variation in the spatial coverage. In what follows, the geographic coordinates of the nadir point, in light of the temporal variations are discussed.

The nadir point’s latitude and longitude are provided by Equations 10.20 and 10.21, both of which are a function of time and can be numerically obtained when the lunar ephemeris is applied. Now, the temporal variations in the latitude and longitude of the nadir point during one cycle of the lunar revolution are plotted in Figures 10.8(a) and (b), respectively.


FIGURE 10.8 During one period of the lunar revolution, temporal variations in the nadir point’s (a) latitude and (b) longitude.

We see that the latitude of the nadir point is mainly determined by the lunar revolution. By comparison, the nadir point’s longitude is primarily decided by the Earth’s self-rotation. Furthermore, the nadir point’s longitude differs from that at the initial time after one period of the lunar revolution. This phenomenon is attributed to the Earth’s self-rotation and lunar revolution around the Earth. The temporal variation of the nadir point’s geographical coordinate is a continuous process. However, the temporal variation of the spatial coverage is not exactly equivalent to that of the nadir point. A time interval related to synthetic aperture, namely the synthetic aperture time, still needs to be considered in the imaging formation of the coverage region. A synthetic aperture time of 200 s can realize an azimuth resolution around 10 m, which is suitable for the Earth observation from the Moon-based SAR. Nevertheless, such a synthetic aperture time requires a large antenna with an aperture length in azimuth larger than 1000 m, which poses a significant challenge to build in practice. The sub-aperture imaging technique provides a feasible method to implement the desired synthetic aperture time without utilizing the large antenna [21]. Thus, the synthetic aperture time of the Moon-based SAR may be set to 200 s.

Figure 10.9 displays the track of the Moon-based SAR’s nadir point within one week, from which we observe the daily change of the nadir point’s latitude is relatively small (around 3°). The temporal variation of the longitude of the nadir point within one day can exceed 340°. Hence, the temporally varying nadir point, together with the extensive spatial coverage, leads the revisit time to be less than one day for most of the regions covered.


FIGURE 10.9 The track of the Moon-based SAR’s nadir point from March 20, 2024 to March 26, 2024. The synthetic aperture time is set to 200 s.


Based on the lunar ephemeris from the DE430, numerical simulations are performed to visualize the spatiotemporal coverage of the Moon-based SAR. We begin by discussing the hourly variations in the spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR within one day. Hourly Variations

Assume that the initial visit time is 00:00:00 on March 20, 2024, when the nadir point’s latitude is relatively large. The hourly variations in the Moon-based SAR’s spatial coverage (eight-hour time intervals) within one day are plotted in Figure 10.10, where we see that most of the northern hemisphere of the Earth is measured by the Moon-based SAR, while the southern hemisphere of the Earth is less observed. Besides, it is understood that the spatial coverage moves from east to west and the revisit time of the covered region is commonly less than one day, implying that Earth’s self-rotation is a dominant factor in determining the temporal variation of the spatial coverage. Comparing Figure 10.10(d) with (a), we see that after a one-day lapse, the spatial coverage has moved to the east. This phenomenon is caused by the lunar revolution around the Earth. Moreover, it can be observed a large proportion of the Earth surfaces are viewed (e.g., South America is almost entirely covered by the Moon-based SAR at 00:00:00). Nevertheless, there are still blind regions within the coverage bounded by the far grazing angle. This suggests that the effects of the near grazing angle and bound of the azimuthal angle on the spatial coverage are significant. Hence, the spatial coverage is jointly determined by the near and far grazing angles and bound of the azimuthal angle.


FIGURE 10.10 The Moon-based SAR’s spatial coverage at (a) 00:00:00, (b) 08:00:00, (c) 16:00:00, and (d) 24:00:00 on March 20, 2024.

For comparison, the hourly variations in the spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR with a small size of the nadir point’s latitude are presented in Figure 10.11. The visit time is reset to 00:00:00 on March 25, 2024, when the latitude of the nadir point approaches to 0°. The spatial coverage of the Moon-based SAR within one day is still significant when the size of the nadir point’s latitude is small, but neither the North Pole nor the South Pole of the Earth can be observed. Also, the revisit time of the observed region is less than one day as a result of the extensive spatial coverage and Earth’s self-rotation. Moreover, the effects of the lunar revolution result in the eastward motion of the spatial coverage after a one-day lapse, as well. Furthermore, a blind region of considerable extent appears on the region bounded by the far grazing angle, implying the effects of the near grazing angle and the bound of  the azimuthal angle are indeed not negligible even when the size of the nadir point’s latitude is small.


FIGURE 10.11 The Moon-based SAR’s spatial coverage at (a) 00:00:00, (b) 08:00:00, (c) 16:00:00, and (d) 24:00:00 on March 25, 2024. Global Accumulated Visible Time within Different Periods

To exploit the spatiotemporal variation in the Moon-based SAR’s ground coverage for a specified period, we analyze the accumulated visible time that is the accumulated time for a specific area covered by the Moon-based SAR within a specified period. The global daily-accumulated visible time of the Moon-based SAR on March 20, March 25, April 01, and April 07 of 2024 are shown in Figures 10.12(a–d), respectively. As is seen, the majority of the world can be covered by the Moon-based SAR within one day, and those regions are observed continuously, ranging from several hours to tens of hours. Besides, there is a conspicuous stripe that lies along the track of the nadir point, indicating that the daily-accumulated visible time is affected by the near grazing angle. Also, the longitudinal accumulated visible time approximates to uniformly distribute. By contrast, the distribution of the latitudinal accumulated visible time depends on the nadir point’s latitude. When the nadir point’s latitude is in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, the maximum latitudinal accumulated visible time appears at the region near the North Pole whereas the fully Antarctica cannot be observed. The trend reverses when the nadir point lies in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. Once the nadir point’s latitude approaches 0°, the latitudinal accumulated visible time trends to be symmetrically distributed. In such a situation, neither of the Earth’s poles could be observed by the Moon-based SAR within one day.


FIGURE 10.12 The global daily accumulated visible times of the Moon-based SAR on (a) March 20, (b) March 25, (c) April 01, and (d) April 07, 2024.

In general, there is not distinct regularity in the lunar revolution for one Julian year (365.25 days). Thus, the accumulated visible time over one Julian year cannot certainly reflect the tendency of the spatiotemporal coverage of the Moon-based SAR. As a result, the accumulated visible time of the Moon-based SAR within one Julian year is not presented. However, the inclination angle of the lunar orbit with respect to the Earth’s equator periodically varies with a period of 18.6 years [18,22]. Hence, the range of the latitude of the nadir point reaches a maximum or minimum every 18.6 years. Hence, it is of interest to illustrate the accumulated visible time of the Moon-based SAR over 18.6 years. By setting the initial visit time to 00:00:00 on March 20, 2024, the global accumulated visible time of the Moon-based SAR over 18.6 years is presented in Figure 10.13. The global accumulated visible time of the Moon-based SAR over 18.6 years is on the order of several years. Also, the longitudinal accumulated visible time trends uniformly distributed. In comparison, the latitudinal accumulated visible time is symmetrically distributed about the Earth’s equator. What is more, the peak values of the latitudinal accumulated visible time appear at ±40° of latitudes, whereas the valleys occur at high latitudes with a size around 80°. Interestingly, there are apparent stripes above and below the Earth’s equator in global accumulated visible time within an 18.6-year period, which is given rise by the effect of the near grazing angle. This implies the near grazing angle exerts a considerable impact on the spatiotemporal coverage of the Moon-based SAR with a period of 18.6 years.


FIGURE 10.13 The global accumulated visible time of the Moon-based SAR over a period of 18.6 years. The symbol ‘y’ represents the Julian year.

Typically, the accumulated visible time over a period of one nodical month or one Julian year is different from that over the next period due to the temporal variation in the lunar orbital inclination. Thus, the accumulated visible time within one nodical month or one Julian year is not suitable for setting a Moon-based SAR. In contrast, the lunar orbital inclination is periodically varying every 18.6 years, thus the accumulated visible time of the Moon-based SAR within a period of 18.6 years is approximately the same as that in the next period of 18.6 years.

For the effective range-limited grazing and azimuthal angles, the far grazing angle plays a dominant role in determining the spatiotemporal coverage of the Moon-based SAR. The effects of the near grazing angle and bound of azimuthal angle are also profoundly significant to affect the spatiotemporal coverage. Regarding the optimal site selection, the site near the lunar North Pole is preferred for observing the Arctic of the Earth, while the site near the lunar South Pole may be a good choice for observing Antarctica. For other regions on the Earth, the site of the Moon-based SAR has no bearing on the spatiotemporal coverage of the Moon-based SAR over a long period. Consequently, the Moon-based SAR can perform long-term, continuous Earth observations on a global scale to enhance our capabilities of understanding the planet.


By considering the application requirements and system performance of the Moon-based SAR, L-band is chosen as one of the main carrier frequencies of Moon-based SAR [9]. The L-band propagation effect through troposphere is relatively small, though not negligible, compared to ionospheric effect [23]. The lunar ionospheric electron content is two orders of magnitude less than that of the Earth’s ionosphere with a far thinner thickness, thus its impact may be ignored [24]. Hence, the ionospheric layer of the Earth is the primary factor that affects the imaging geometric and radiometric qualities of the Moon-based SAR.

Ionosphere exerts profound but measurable effects on the SAR imaging by at least three accounts. First, the Faraday rotation (FR) effect rotates the energy from co-channels to cross-channels, subsequently leading to attenuation of the SAR signal [25]. Second, the phase dispersion of the background ionosphere causes a phase advance in signal, resulting in target image shift, resolution deterioration and image defocusing [26]. Third, it should be mentioned that the ionospheric scintillation gives rise to fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of the SAR signal, further impair the SAR focusing [27]. Besides, as long as estimating the ionospheric effects on SAR imaging is concerned, the ionospheric inhomogeneous nature is a considerable factor [28].


The synthetic aperture of the Moon-based SAR is realized mainly by the Earth’s rotation. The long slant range history and relative slow Earth’s rotating velocity bring about an extremely long synthetic aperture time, further resulting in the temporal-variation characteristics of the background ionosphere. For a rigorous study, the relationship between the synthetic aperture time and the azimuthal resolution of the Moon-based SAR is now examined.

The synthetic aperture time, the aperture length in azimuth, can be accurately obtained by


where ηend and ηstar are defined as the start time and end time when a point target is illuminated of one full aperture in azimuth, respectively. Both of them can be calculated by:



where Rstar is the slant range vector of the Moon-based SAR at time ηstar, Rend is the slant range vector at time ηend, Rc is the slant range vector at the beam center crossing time ηc; θb is the half-power beam width in radians defined as


where λ is the wavelength, a is the aperture length in azimuth.

The azimuthal resolution of the Moon-based SAR is determined by


where RE is the Earth’s radius, and REM is the distance between the Earth and Moon-based SAR (see Figure 10.1); δg is the latitude of the Earth’s target, δm is the declination of the Moon-based SAR.α is the angular difference between the Moon-based SAR’s ascension and the longitude of the Earth’s target at beam center crossing time. As can be seen, three extra terms: RE/REM, cosδg/cosδm and cosα are presented to modify the ideal azimuth resolution [12].

By combining Equations 10.48–10.50, the relationship between the synthetic aperture time and azimuthal resolution is plotted in Figure 10.14, with, as an example, the declination of the Moon-based SAR set to be 28.5° and latitude of the Earth’s target assumed to be 0°.


FIGURE 10.14 The relationship between the synthetic aperture time and azimuthal resolution, here the angular difference between the ascension of Moon-based SAR and the longitude of the Earth’s target is assumed to be 0°.

As can be seen from Figure 10.14, the synthetic aperture time of the Moon-based SAR can be up to hundreds or even thousands of seconds. In contrast, the synthetic aperture time of the LEOSAR is usually limited to 1–2 s. As a result, it seems that the ionospheric freezing assumption for LEOSAR loses its effect in the Moon-based SAR. To catch a better notion, in Figure 10.15, we plot the measured vertical TEC at Guangzhou, China (113.23°E, 23.16°N), with a synthetic aperture time of 1800 s, a typical value of the Moon-based SAR. The TEC data used in the schematic diagram for the temporal variation of background ionosphere is acquired in October 2016 and reported by International Reference Ionosphere 2012 (IRI 2012) [29].


FIGURE 10.15 The measured temporal-varying ionospheric vertical TEC at 12:00–12:30 local time.

It is clear that the variation of the vertical TEC over a period during the synthetic aperture time exceeds 3 TECU, which seems quite appreciable, and the TEC temporal variation is nonlinear. Consequently, the temporal-varying background ionosphere should be taken into consideration, thus the temporal-varying ionospheric TEC is supposed to express in the form of slow time:


where TECt0 is the constant component of TEC with respect to slow time, which remains constant with the varying time for a given position; ki,i=1,,n, is the nth derivative of the temporal-varying TEC against the slow time η.

Because the Moon-based SAR is observing the Earth on a global scale, the spatial-varying ionospheric TEC at different positions within the imaging swath should be taken account, as is evident from the strongly varying TEC with relative positions of the ground target illustrated in Figure 10.16.


FIGURE 10.16 The global distribution of the vertical TEC in TECU at 08:00 UTM, 22 October 2016. Data was taken from [30].

Assume that the spatial variation of the TEC along the azimuth direction is time-invariant, the spatial-varying TEC can be written as:


where TECs0 is the constant component of TEC regarding the azimuth distance x at specified time; si,i=1,,n, are the change rates of spatial-varying TEC over azimuth distance x at various orders; note that x is the relative motion distance between the Moon-based SAR and the ground target taking account of spatial-varying background ionosphere along azimuth direction within an epoch of η, which is defined as:


where Viono is the relative velocity of the ionospheric TEC above the rotating Earth, given by


where RE is the Earth’s radius, hiono is the ionospheric equivalent height, δg is the ground target’s latitude, ωE is the Earth’s rotation velocity, χ is the scale factor given rise by lunar revolution as to be detailed below.

It is known that the temporal and spatial variations of the background ionosphere are highly-coupling in practice. Thus, the temporal-spatial varying ionospheric TEC can be readily expressed in terms of slow time η:


where TEC0 is the constant component of temporal-spatial varying ionospheric TEC; tgi is nth derivative of the temporal-spatial varying TEC with respect to slow time defined as: tgi=ki+siVionoi,i=1,,n.

When the SAR signal propagates through the ionosphere, the phase-path length will be changed under the impact of the background ionosphere [31]. The phase error induced by the change of the phase-path length in the round-trip can be defined as


where A=40.32m2/s3, c is the propagation velocity of the electromagnetic wave in free space, fτ is the range frequency and fc is the carrier frequency.

It turns out that the phase error induced by the temporal-spatial varying background ionosphere should be modified by substituting Equation 10.57 into Equation 10.58:


It shows in Equation 10.59 that the spatial-varying ionospheric TEC, together with the temporal-varying ionospheric TEC, further makes the background ionospheric effects even more complicated. It may be drawn that the spatial-variation of background ionosphere within an image scene is approximately time-invariant, implying that the ionospheric TEC in Equation 10.57 potentially can be used to probe the temporal-spatial background ionospheric effects [32].


To derive an expression of the slant range, a right-handed geocentric inertial reference frame is defined, with Z-axis towards the North Pole, and X-axis pointing to the true equinox of the date (referring to Figure 10.1). Without loss of generality, let’s initialize the azimuth time to zero for the shortest distance between the ground target and the Moon-based SAR. The slant range between the Moon-based SAR and the ground target at the time t=η takes the following expression:


where ag(η)=ωEη+ag0 is the angle that the ground target rotates from the zero azimuth time position to the position at t=η, ωE is the angular velocity of the Earth’s self-rotation, ag0 is the longitude of ground target at zero azimuth time; (Xm(η),Ym(η),Zm(η)) are coordinates of the Moon-based SAR in considering of the lunar revolution with:




In above equations, ωM is the angular velocity of the lunar revolution; ϑS is the inclination of the lunar orbit to of the Earth’s equator.

Recalled that the propagation distance of the Moon-based SAR is over hundreds of times longer than that of the LEOSAR, thus the “stop-and-go” assumption used in the LEOSAR is no longer applicable for the Moon-based SAR [16]. Now let’s calibrate the error in “stop-and-go” assumption: Suppose that the transmitted signal arrives to the ground target at time T1, where T1=R(η)/c. In an epoch of propagation delay TD, the Moon-based SAR has moved forward for a certain distance to the new position, so now the slant range between the ground target and radar is R(η+TD). The backscattering signal is received at a time T2=R(η+TD)/c. The total time delay of wave propagation is the sum of T1 and T2:


where TD is typically between 2.3s and 2.7s [16]. Notice that the time delay given rise by the atmosphere is far smaller than TD; therefore, it can be reasonably ignored in removing the “stop-and-go” assumption. The Moon-based SAR observation geometry under “non-stop-and-go” assumption shown in Figure 10.17 depicts a scenario whereas the transmitted signal scatters back, the radar moves a distance within an epoch of TD. Thus, the Moon-based SAR can no longer be regarded as operating in monostatic, but instead in bistatic mode.


FIGURE 10.17 The equivalent observation geometry of the Moon-based SAR with “non-stop-and-go” assumption. During TD the Moon-based SAR has moved for an equivalent distance where the ground target is regarded as stationary while the Moon-based SAR rotates (Sketch not to scale).

Finally, the slant range for the Moon-based SAR under the equivalent bistatic mode could be written as:


It is seen that the 4th order Taylor series range equation is capable of dealing with the curved trajectory of the Moon-based SAR’s signal during the long synthetic aperture time, which is most suitable for Moon-based SAR imaging [16]. Consequently, the slant range can be expanded into Taylor series up about η=0 to 4th order,


where R0 is the shortest slant range. The derivation of expansion coefficients is straightforward but tedious. Complete expressions for Ri are given in [16].


We shall establish a Moon-based SAR signal model in considering of background ionospheric effects, based on the curved trajectory, in which the relative positions between the Earth target and the Moon-based SAR are accounted for. The received signal of the Moon-based SAR system from the point of interest can be written as [33]


where wr and wa are window functions in fast time and slow time domains, respectively; Kr is the chirp rate.

Fourier transform in range direction is first applied to Equation 10.67 by using the principle of stationary phase (POSP):


Consequently, the signal under the effects of the temporal-varying background ionosphere can be obtained by including the phase shift Equation 10.59 into the signal Equation 10.68:


Taking Fourier transform along azimuth direction in Equation 10.69 by virtue of the POSP and the method of series reversion (MSR) [33], we have


where the phase takes the form


where a0=2R0, Ρi=2A/fc2tgi+2Ri,i=1,,4.

From Equation 10.71, we see that the range and azimuth frequency are highly coupled in the phase term. To process the signal and to identify the background ionospheric effects on the Moon-based SAR imaging, Equation 10.71 is further expanded as follows:


where Ψr(fτ) is related to range compression through


Ψa(fη) is in connection with the azimuth compression and is expressed as


Ψrcm(fτ,fη) is the range cell migration term which takes the form of


where Ψsrc(fτ,fη) accounts for secondary range compression, explicitly given by


and Ψres is the residual phase term given by


At this point, we have established the signal model and 2-D spectrum, based on the curved trajectory, taking accounts of he temporal-spatial varying background ionospheric effects. It can be seen from Equation 10.73 through Equation 10.77 that all the terms are closely related to TEC. Besides, the imaging performance in the range direction is impacted by the range compression term Ψr(fτ). The residual phase term Ψres does not affect the Moon-based SAR imaging. As for the azimuthal imaging, it is impacted by the azimuth compression term Ψa(fη), the range cell migration term Ψrcm(fτ,fη) and the secondary range compression term Ψsrc(fτ,fη) under the effects of background ionosphere.

Numerical results [32] show that the absolute phase errors of the range cell migration term, and second range compression term are negligibly small in comparison with the azimuth compression term. Consequently, the azimuth compression term dominates the focusing of the Moon-based SAR. Also, the range cell migration term, and secondary range compression term, unlike the azimuth compression term, exercise little effects on azimuthal imaging.


The background ionospheric effects on the Moon-based SAR imaging are examined from the phase terms given in Equations 10.73 and 10.74. The background ionospheric effects can be split into the range and azimuth aspects, and are illustrated by using the simulation parameters given in Table 10.3. For the sake of brevity but without loss of generality, the angular difference between the ground target’s longitude and Moon-based SAR’s ascension at beam center crossing time is assumed 0° in the following analysis.

TABLE 10.3
Simulation Parameters for the Moon-Based SAR System

Symbol Parameters Quantity Unit
δg Latitude of the ground target 22.5 degree
δm Declination of the Moon-based SAR 28.5 degree
θS Inclination of the lunar orbit to the equator of the Earth 28.6 degree
RE Earth radius 6,371 km
REM The distance between the Earth and Moon-based SAR 389,408 km
ωE Earth’s rotation angular velocity 7.292 × 10−6 rad/s
ωM Lunar revolution angular velocity 2.662 × 10−6 rad/s
fc Carrier frequency 1.2 GHz
B System bandwidth 50 MHz
hiono Ionospheric equivalent height 400 km

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