Case Studies in Fracture

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Case Studies in Fracture

17.1 Introduction

In this chapter we look at three real situations where failure occurred because of the catastrophic growth of a crack by fast fracture: a steel ammonia tank which exploded because of weld cracks; a perspex pressure window which exploded during hydrostatic testing; and a polyurethane foam jacket on a liquid methane tank which cracked during cooling.

17.2 Case Study 1: Fast Fracture of an Ammonia Tank

Figure 17.1 shows part of a steel tank which came from a road tank vehicle. The tank consisted of a cylindrical shell about 6 m long. A hemispherical cap was welded to each end of the shell with a circumferential weld. The tank was used to transport liquid ammonia. In order to contain the liquid ammonia the pressure had to be equal to the saturation pressure (the pressure at which a mixture of liquid and vapor is in equilibrium). The saturation pressure increases rapidly with temperature: at 20°C the absolute pressure is 8.57 bar; at 50°C it is 20.33 bar. The gauge pressure at 50°C is 19.33 bar, or 1.9MN m-2. Because of this the tank had to function as a pressure vessel. The maximum operating pressure was 2.07MN m-2 gauge. This allowed the tank to be used safely to 50°C, above the maximum temperature expected in even a hot climate.

Figure 17.1 The weld between the shell and the end cap of the pressure vessel (dimensions in mm).

While liquid was being unloaded from the tank a fast fracture occurred in one of the circumferential welds and the cap was blown off the end of the shell. In order to decant the liquid the space above the liquid had been pressurized with ammonia gas using a compressor. The normal operating pressure of the compressor was 1.83MN m-2; the maximum pressure (set by a safety valve) was 2.07MN m-2. One can imagine the effect on nearby people of this explosive discharge of a large volume of highly toxic vapor.

Details of the failure

The geometry of the failure is shown in Figure 17.2. The initial crack, 2.5 mm deep, had formed in the heat-affected zone between the shell and the circumferential weld. The defect went some way around the circumference of the vessel. The cracking was intergranular, and had occurred by a process called stress corrosion cracking (see Chapter 27). The final fast fracture occurred by transgranular cleavage (see Chapter 15). This indicates that the heat-affected zone must have had a very low fracture toughness. In this case study we predict the critical crack size for fast fracture using the fast fracture equation.

Figure 17.2 The geometry of the failure (dimensions in mm).

Material properties

The tank was made from high-strength low-alloy steel with a yield strength of 712 MN m-2 and a fracture toughness of 80 MN m-3/2. The heat from the welding process had altered the structure of the steel in the heat-affected zone to give a much greater yield strength (940 MN m-2) but a much lower fracture toughness (39 MN m-3/2).

Calculation of critical stress for fast fracture

The longitudinal stress σ in the wall of a cylindrical pressure vessel containing gas at pressure p is given by


provided that the wall is thin (tr) (see Example 7.5). p = 1.83 MN m-2, r = 1067 mm, and t = 7 mm, so σ = 140 MN m-2. The fast fracture equation is


Figure 17.3 shows that Y = 1.92 for our crack. The critical stress for fast fracture is given by



The critical stress is 64% greater than the longitudinal stress. However, the change in section from a cylinder to a sphere produces something akin to a stress concentration; when this is taken into account the failure is accurately predicted.


This case study provides a good example of the consequences of having an inadequate fracture toughness. However, even if the heat-affected zone had a high toughness, the crack would have continued to grow through the wall of the tank by stress-corrosion cracking until fast fracture occurred. The critical crack size would have been greater, but failure would have occurred eventually. The only way of avoiding failures of this type is to prevent stress corrosion cracking in the first place.

17.3 Case Study 2: Explosion of a Perspex Pressure Window during Hydrostatic Testing

Figure 17.4 shows the general arrangement drawing for an experimental rig, which is designed for studying the propagation of buckling in externally pressurized tubes. A long open-ended tubular specimen is placed on the horizontal axis of the rig with the ends emerging through pressure seals. The rig is partially filled with water and the space above the water is filled with nitrogen. The nitrogen is pressurized until buckling propagates along the length of the specimen.

Figure 17.4 General arrangement drawing of the experimental rig.

The volumes of water and nitrogen in the rig can be adjusted to give stable buckling propagation. Halfway along the rig is a flanged perspex connector which allows the propagation of the buckle to be observed directly using a high-speed camera. Unfortunately, this perspex window exploded during the first hydrostatic test at a pressure of only one-half of the specified hydrostatic test pressure.

Design data

Relevant design data for the perspex connector are given as follows.

  •  Internal diameter of cylindrical portion 2b = 154 mm
  •  External diameter of cylindrical portion 2a = 255 mm
  •  Forming process: casting
  •  Tensile strength, σf ≈ 62 MN m-2 (minimum), 77 MN m-2 (average)
  •  Fracture toughness Kc ≈ 0.8 to 1.75 MN m-3/2
  •  Working pressure = 7 MN m-2 gauge
  •  Hydraulic test pressure = 8.6 MN m-2 gauge
  •  Failure pressure = 4.8 MN m-2 gauge

Failure analysis

Figure 17.5 is a photograph of the perspex connector taken after the explosion. Detailed visual inspection of the fracture surface indicated that the fracture initiated as a hoop stress tensile failure in the cylindrical portion and subsequently propagated toward each flange.

Figure 17.5 Photograph of the perspex connector taken after the explosion.

The hoop stress σ in the cylindrical portion can be calculated from the standard result for thick-walled tubes



where p is the internal gauge pressure and r is the radius at which the stress is calculated. The hoop stress is a maximum at the bore of the tube, with r = b and


The hoop stress is a minimum at the external surface of the tube, with r = a and


We can see that the most probable site for failure initiation is the bore of the tube: the hoop stress here is calculated to be 10 MN m-2 at the failure pressure. This is only one-sixth of the minimum tensile strength. Using the fast fracture equation


with a fracture toughness of 1 MN m-3/2 and a hoop stress of 10 MN m-2 gives a critical defect size a of 3.2 mm at the failure pressure. At the operating pressure the critical defect size would only be 1.5 mm. A defect of this size would be difficult to find under production conditions in such a large volume. In addition, it would be easy to introduce longitudinal scratches in the bore of the connector during routine handling and use.


The most probable explanation for the failure is that a critical defect was present in the wall of the perspex connector. The connector was a standard item manufactured for flow visualization in pressurized systems. The designers had clearly used a stress-based rather than a fracture-mechanics based approach with entirely predictable consequences.

17.4 Case Study 3: Cracking of a Foam Jacket on a Liquid Methane Tank

Figure 17.6 is a schematic half-section through a tank used for storing liquid methane at atmospheric pressure. Because methane boils at –162°C, the tank is made from an aluminum alloy in order to avoid any risk of brittle failure. Even so, it is necessary to have a second line of defense should the tank spring a leak. This is achieved by placing the tank into a mild-steel jacket, and inserting a layer of thermal insulation into the space between the two. The jacket is thereby protected from the cooling effect of the methane, and the temperature of the steel is kept above the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature. But what happens if the tank does spring a leak? If the insulation is porous (e.g., fiberglass matting) then the liquid methane will flow through the insulation to the wall of the jacket and will boil off.

Figure 17.6 Schematic half-section through a typical liquid methane storage tank using closed-cell polyurethane foam for thermal insulation/secondary containment (typical dimensions in m).

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