Creep and Creep Fracture

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Creep and Creep Fracture

21.1 Introduction

So far we have concentrated on mechanical properties at room temperature. Many structures—particularly those that are associated with energy conversion (e.g., turbines, reactors, steam, and chemical plant)—operate at much higher temperatures.

At room temperature, most metals and ceramics deform in a way that depends on stress but which, for practical purposes, is independent of time:

ɛ=f(σ)elastic/plastic solid

As the temperature is raised, loads that give no permanent deformation at room temperature cause materials to creep. Creep is slow, continuous deformation with time: the strain, instead of depending only on the stress, now depends on temperature and time as well:

ɛ=f(σ,t,T)creeping solid

It is common to refer to the former behavior as “low-temperature” behavior, and the latter as “high temperature.” But what is a “low” temperature and what is a “high” temperature? Tungsten, used for lamp filaments, has a very high melting point—well over 3000°C. Room temperature, for tungsten, is a very low temperature. If made hot enough, however, tungsten will creep—that is the reason that lamps ultimately burn out. Tungsten lamps run at about 2000°C—this, for tungsten, is a high temperature. If you examine a lamp filament that has failed, you will see that it has sagged under its own weight until the turns of the coil have touched—that is, it has deformed by creep. Figure 21.1 shows a typical example of a sagging filament.

Figure 21.1 A tungsten lamp filament which has sagged under its own weight owing to creep.

Figure 21.2 and Table 21.1 give melting points for metals and ceramics and softening temperatures for polymers. Most metals and ceramics have high melting points and, because of this, they start to creep only at temperatures well above room temperature—this is why creep is a less familiar phenomenon than elastic or plastic deformation. But the metal lead, for instance, has a melting point of 600 K; room temperature, 300 K, is exactly half its absolute melting point. Room temperature for lead is a high temperature, and it creeps—as Figure 21.3 shows. And the ceramic ice melts at 0°C. Temperate glaciers (those close to 0°C) are at a temperature at which ice creeps rapidly—that is why glaciers move. Even the thickness of the Antarctic ice cap, which controls the levels of the earth’s oceans, is determined by the creep spreading of the ice at about –30°C.

Figure 21.2 Melting or softening temperature.

Figure 21.3 Lead pipes often creep noticeably over the years. (Source: M.F. Ashby.)

The point, then, is that the temperature at which materials start to creep depends on their melting point. As a general rule, it is found that creep starts when

T>0.3to0.4TMfor metalsT>0.4to0.5TMfor ceramics

where TM is the melting temperature in degrees kelvin. However, special alloying procedures can raise the temperature at which creep becomes a problem.

Polymers, too, creep—many of them do so at room temperature. As we said in Chapter 5, most common polymers are not crystalline and have no well-defined melting point. For them, the important temperature is the glass temperature, TG, at which the Van der Waals bonds solidify. Above this temperature, the polymer is in a leathery or rubbery state and creeps rapidly under load. Below, it becomes hard (and sometimes brittle) and, for practical purposes, no longer creeps. TG is near room temperature for most polymers, so creep is a problem.

In design against creep, we select the material and the shape that will carry the design loads, without failure, for the design life at the design temperature. The meaning of “failure” depends on the application. We distinguish four types of failure, illustrated in Figure 21.4.

  1. 1. Displacement-limited applications, in which precise dimensions or small clearances must be maintained (as in the discs and blades of gas turbines).
  2. 2. Rupture-limited applications, in which dimensional tolerance is relatively unimportant, but fracture must be avoided (as in pressure-piping).
  3. 3. Stress relaxation-limited applications in which an initial tension relaxes with time (as in the pretensioning of bolts).
  4. 4. Buckling-limited applications, in which slender columns or panels carry compressive loads (as in structural steelwork exposed to a fire).

Figure 21.4 Creep is important in four classes of design: (a) displacement-limited, (b) failure-limited, (c) relaxation-limited, and (d) buckling-limited.

To analyze these we need constitutive equations which relate the strain-rate ɛ˙si1_e or time-to-failure tf to the stress σ and temperature T.

21.2 Creep Testing and Creep Curves

Creep tests require careful temperature control. Typically, a specimen is loaded in tension, usually at constant load, inside a furnace maintained at a constant temperature, T. The extension is measured as a function of time. Figure 21.5 shows a typical set of results from such a test. Metals, polymers, and ceramics all show creep curves of this shape.

Figure 21.5 Creep testing and creep curves.

Although the initial elastic and the primary creep strain cannot be neglected, they occur quickly, and they can be treated in much the way that elastic deflection is allowed for in a structure. But thereafter, the material enters steady state, or secondary creep, and the strain increases steadily with time. In designing against creep, it is usually this steady accumulation of strain with time that concerns us most.

By plotting the log of the steady creep rate, ɛ˙sssi6_e, against log σ at constant T, as shown in Figure 21.6, we can establish that


si7_e  (21.1)

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