section epub:type=”chapter”> This chapter examines the condition under which a crack is stable and would not grow, as is the condition under which it would propagate catastrophically by fast fracture. If the maximum size of crack in the structure is known, then a working load at which fast fracture will not occur can be chosen. But cracks can form, and grow slowly, at loads lower than this, if the load is cycled. The process of slow crack growth—fatigue—is the subject of this chapter. Fatigue tests are done by subjecting specimens of the material to a cyclically varying load or displacement. For simplicity, the time variation of stress and strain is shown as a sine wave, but modern testing machines are capable of applying almost any chosen load or displacement spectrum. The chapter discusses fatigue of uncracked components and that of cracked components. This chapter concludes with a discussion of various fatigue mechanisms. In Chapters 14 and 15, we examined the conditions under which a crack was stable, and would not grow, and the condition under which it would propagate catastrophically by fast fracture. If we know the maximum size of crack in the structure we can then choose a working load at which fast fracture will not occur. But cracks can form, and grow slowly, at loads lower than this, if the load is cycled. The process of slow crack growth—fatigue—is the subject of this chapter. When the clip of your pen breaks, when the pedals fall off your bicycle, when the handle of the refrigerator comes away in your hand, it is usually fatigue which is responsible. Fatigue tests are done by subjecting specimens of the material to a cyclically varying load or displacement (Figure 18.1). For simplicity, the time variation of stress and strain is shown as a sine wave, but modern testing machines are capable of applying almost any chosen load or displacement spectrum. The specimens are subjected to increasing numbers of fatigue cycles N, until they finally crack (when N = Nf—the number of cycles to failure). Figure 18.2 shows how the cyclic stress and cyclic strain are coupled in a linear elastic specimen. The stress and strain are linearly related through Young’s modulus, and the stress range Δσ produces (or is produced by) an elastic strain range Δɛel (equal to Δσ/E). Figure 18.3 shows how the cyclic stress and cyclic strain are coupled in a specimen that is cycled outside the elastic limit. There is no longer a simple relationship between stress and strain. Instead, they are related by a stress–strain loop, which must be determined from tests on the material. In addition, the shape of the loop changes with the number of cycles, and it can take several hundred (or even thousand) cycles before the shape of the loop stabilizes. The stress range Δσ produces (or is produced by) a total strain range Δɛtot—which is the sum of the elastic strain range Δɛel and the plastic strain range Δɛpl. The best way to correlate fatigue test data is on a log-log plot of the total strain amplitude Δɛtot/2 versus the number of reversals to failure 2Nf (there are two reversals of load or displacement in each complete cycle). Figure 18.4 shows the shape of the curve on which the data points typically fall (although there is usually a lot of experimental scatter on either side of the curve). It is useful to know that this curve is the sum of two linear relationships on the log–log plot: (a) between the elastic strain amplitude and 2Nf, and (b) between the plastic strain amplitude and 2Nf. It can be approximated mathematically as: b and c are constants determined by fitting the test data—they are generally in the range –0.05 to –0.12 for b, and –0.5 to –0.7 for c. The data in Figure 18.4 can be divided into two régimes: Until the 1950s, most fatigue studies were concerned with high-cycle fatigue (HCF), since engineering components subjected to cyclic loadings (e.g., railway axles, engine crankshafts, bicycle frames) were designed to keep the maximum stress below the elastic limit. Because of this, it is still common practice to plot HCF data on a log–log plot of the stress amplitude Δσ/2 versus 2Nf—see Figure 18.5. The test data can then be approximated as: So far, we have only considered test data obtained with zero mean stress (σm = 0). However, in many design situations, there will be a tensile mean stress (σm > 0). Intuitively, we would expect that the component would be more prone to fatigue if it were subjected to a large mean stress in addition to having to cope with repeated cycles of stress. The test data confirm this—to keep the fatigue life the same when the mean stress is increased from 0 to some large tensile value, the stress (or strain) cycles must be reduced in amplitude to compensate. In terms of the strain approach to fatigue, the test data can be approximated as follows: The equation clearly shows that, to keep the fatigue life the same, the strain amplitude must be decreased to compensate for a mean stress. In terms of the stress approach to fatigue, the test data can be approximated as: Δσ/2 is the stress amplitude for failure after a given number of cycles with zero mean stress, and Δσσm/2 is the stress amplitude for failure after the same number of cycles but with a mean stress. So if, for example, the mean stress is half the fracture stress, then the applied stress amplitude must be halved to keep the fatigue life the same. Large structures—particularly welded structures such as bridges, ships, oil rigs, and nuclear pressure vessels—always contain cracks. All we can be sure of is that the initial length of these cracks is less than a given length—the length we can reasonably detect when we check or examine the structure. To assess the safe life of the structure we need to know how long (for how many cycles) the structure can last before one of these cracks grows to a length at which it propagates catastrophically. Data on fatigue crack propagation are gathered by cyclically loading specimens containing a sharp crack like that shown in Figure 18.6. We define The cyclic stress intensity ΔK increases with time (at constant load) because the crack grows in tension. It is found that the crack growth per cycle, da/dN, increases with ΔK in the way shown in Figure 18.7. In the steady-state régime, the crack-growth rate is described by
Fatigue Failure
Publisher Summary
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Fatigue of Uncracked Components
are the true fracture stress and true fracture strain (derived from a standard tensile test on the material).
18.3 Fatigue of Cracked Components