Final Case Study: Materials and Energy in Car Design

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Final Case Study: Materials and Energy in Car Design

33.1 Introduction

The status of steel as the raw material of choice for the manufacture of car bodies rests principally on its price. It has always been the cheapest material that meets the necessary strength, stiffness, formability, and weldability requirements of large-scale car body production.

Until recently, the fact that steel has a density two-thirds that of lead was accorded little significance. But increasing sustainability awareness and legislative requirements concerning carbon emissions are now changing that view. Car makers are looking hard at alternative materials.

33.2 Energy and Carbon Emissions

Energy is used to build a car, and energy is used to run it. Oil prices mean that the cost of the gas consumed during the life of a car is comparable with the cost of the car itself. Consumers want more fuel-efficient cars, and more fuel-efficient cars have lower carbon emissions.

This trend is magnified by the taxation policies of governments. Fuel duties have increased, so one way in which the motorist can offset the effects of additional fuel taxation is to reduce fuel consumption per mile. However, this strategy can be partly countered by imposing annual taxes on vehicles that relate to their carbon emissions. This acts as a driver to reduce engine power—effectively vehicle size. The extent to which governments really care about sustainability and carbon emissions—or are using these as a front for generating yet further taxation revenues—is open to question. But the way in which the economics are felt at consumer level is the same, and likely to get much worse in the longer term.

33.3 Achieving Energy Economy

It is clear from Table 33.1 that the energy content of the car itself—the steel, rubber, glass, and manufacturing process—is small: less than 10% that required to move the car. This means there is little point trying to save energy here; indeed (as we shall see) it may pay to use more energy to make the car (using, for instance, aluminum instead of steel) if this reduces fuel consumption.

We must focus, then, on reducing the energy used to move the car. The following are the two routes.

We can reduce the size of cars, but the consumer does not like that. Or we can reduce the weight of the car by substituting lighter materials for those used now. Lighter cars not only use less fuel, but they also have lower carbon emissions—hence, the interest in producing lighter vehicles, reversing a consistent trend in the opposite direction.

33.4 Material Content of a Car

As Figure 33.1 suggests, most cars weigh between 400 kg and 2500 kg. In a typical modern production car (Figure 33.2), this is made up as shown in Table 33.2.

Figure 33.2 The Volkswagen Passat—a typical modern pressed-steel body with no separate chassis. For a given material this “monocoque” construction gives a minimum weight-to-strength ratio. (Courtesy of Volkswagen—photo credit to Brian Garland © 2004)

33.5 Alternative Materials

Primary mechanical properties

Candidate materials for substitutes must be lighter than steel, but structurally equivalent. For the engine block, the choice is obvious: aluminum (density 2.7 Mg m–3) or possibly magnesium (density 1.8 Mg m–3) replace an equal volume of cast iron (density 7.7 Mg m–3) with an immediate weight reduction on this component of 2.8 to 4.3 times. The production methods remain almost unchanged. Most manufacturers have made this change; cars like the one shown in Figure 33.3 are a thing of the past.

Figure 33.3 The Morris Traveller—a classic of the 1950s—used wood as an integral part of the body shell.

The biggest potential weight saving, however, is in the body panels, which make up 60% of the weight of the vehicle. Here the choice is more difficult. Candidate materials are given in Table 33.3.

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