Symbols and Formulae

section epub:type=”appendix”>

Symbols and Formulae


Principal Symbols

Symbol Meaning (units)
Note: Multiples or submultiples of basic units indicate the unit suffixes typically used with materials data.
a side of cubic or hexagonal unit cell (nm)
a crack length (mm)
A constant in fatigue crack-growth law
A constant in creep law ɛ˙ss=AσneQ/RTsi1_e
b Burgers vector (nm)
c concentration (m−3)
D diffusion coefficient (m2 s−1)
D0 pre-exponential constant in diffusion coefficient (m2 s−1)
E Young’s modulus of elasticity (GN m−2)
f force acting on unit length of dislocation line (N m−1)
F force (N)
g acceleration due to gravity on the Earth’s surface (m s−2)
G shear modulus (GN m−2)
Gc toughness (or critical strain energy release rate) (kJ m−2)
H hardness (MN m−2 or kg mm−2)
J diffusion flux (m−2 s−1)
k shear yield strength (MN m−2)
k Boltzmann’s constant R/NA(J K1)si2_e
K bulk modulus (GN m−2)
K stress intensity factor (MN m−3/2)
Kc fracture toughness (critical stress intensity factor) (MN m−3/2)
ΔK K range in fatigue cycle (MN m−3/2)
m constant in fatigue crack growth law (dimensionless)
n creep exponent in ɛ˙ss=AσneQ/RTsi1_e
N number of fatigue cycles
NA Avogadro’s number (mol−1)
Nf number of fatigue cycles leading to failure (dimensionless)
Q activation energy per mole (kJ mol−1)
r0 equilibrium interatomic distance (nm)
R universal gas constant (J K−1 mol−1)
S0 bond stiffness at r=r0 (N m−1)
tf time-to-failure (s)
T line tension of dislocation (N)
T absolute temperature (K)
TM absolute melting temperature (K)
Uel elastic strain energy (J)
γ (true) engineering shear strain (dimensionless)
Δ dilatation (dimensionless)
ɛ true (logarithmic) strain (dimensionless)
ɛf (nominal) strain after fracture; tensile ductility (dimensionless)
ɛn nominal (linear) strain (dimensionless)
ɛ0 permittivity of free space (F m−1)
ɛ˙sssi4_e steady-state tensile strain-rate in creep (s−1)
µk coefficient of kinetic friction (dimensionless)
µs coefficient of static friction (dimensionless)
ν Poisson’s ratio (dimensionless)
ρ density (Mg m−3)
σ true stress (MN m−2)
σn nominal stress (MN m−2)
σTS (nominal) tensile strength (MN m−2)
σy (nominal) yield strength (MN m−2)
σ˜si5_e ideal strength (GN m−2)
Δσ stress range in fatigue (MN m−2)
τ shear stress (MN m−2)

Other Symbols

Symbol Meaning (units)
a true contact area (mm2)
a side of square cross section (mm)
a external diameter of thick-walled tube (mm)
a atomic weight of element (g mol− 1, kg kmol− 1)
A area (mm2)
A0 initial area (mm2)
b breadth or width of cross section (mm)
b internal diameter of thick-walled tube (mm)
b constant in fatigue equations (dimensionless)
c height of hexagonal unit cell (nm)
c maximum distance from neutral axis of cross section (mm)
c constant in fatigue equations (dimensionless)
C specific heat (J kg− 1 K− 1)
C consumption rate (ton year− 1)
d depth of cross section (mm)
d minor diameter of shouldered shaft (mm)
d grain size (μm)
D major diameter of shouldered shaft (mm)
Ec Young’s modulus of composite material (GN m− 2)
Ef Young’s modulus of fibers/reinforcement (GN m− 2)
Em Young’s modulus of matrix (GN m− 2)
Et tangent modulus in plastic buckling (MN m− 2)
f frequency (s− 1, Hz)
Fcr critical buckling force (N)
Fs shear component of force (N)
g throat dimension for Class W weld (mm)
gS “standard” value of g (9.807 m s− 2)
h Planck’s constant (J s)
h vertical distance (m)
i electrical current density (μA cm− 2)
I electrical current (A)
I second moment of area of cross section (mm4)
kL constant in linear oxidation equation (g s− 1)
kP constant in parabolic oxidation equation (g2 s− 1)
K thermal conductivity (W m− 1 K− 1)
L length, spacing (mm)
L0 initial length (mm)
m mass (kg)
m Weibull modulus (dimensionless)
m (with subscripts 1, 2, b, etc.) materials index (various units)
Δm mass gain in oxidation (g)
M bending moment (N m)
Mp fully plastic bending moment (N m)
Mr bending moment at rupture (N m)
n number (dimensionless)
p pressure (kN m− 2)
p probability (dimensionless)
P contact force (N)
Pf failure probability (dimensionless)
Ps survival probability (dimensionless)
q heat flux (W m− 2 s− 1)
q ionic charge (C)
Q heat (J)
r growth rate (percent per year)
r radius (mm)
r radius of plastic zone at crack tip (mm)
r distance between atoms/ions (nm)
rD dissociation distance between atoms/ions (nm)
r0 equilibrium distance between atoms/ions (nm)
R electrical resistance (Ω)
S notch sensitivity factor (dimensionless)
S safety factor (dimensionless)
S stiffness (N m− 1)
SCF stress concentration factor (dimensionless)
SCFeff effective stress concentration factor (dimensionless)
t time (s, hour, year)
t thickness (mm)
tD doubling time (s, hour, year)
T torque (N m)
TD Debye temperature (K)
TG glass transition temperature (K)
ΔT temperature difference (K)
u small displacement; extension/compression (mm)
U energy; energy of deformation (J)
V electrical potential difference (V)
V volume (mm3)
V volume fraction (dimensionless)
Vf volume fraction of fibers/reinforcement (dimensionless)
Vm volume fraction of matrix (dimensionless)
V0 specimen volume in Weibull equation (mm3)
w small displacement (mm)
w width (mm)
w weight (kg)
W work (J)
x distance (mm)
Y crack stress intensity factor (dimensionless)
z distance from neutral axis of cross section (mm)
z number of electrons exchanged in unit reaction (dimensionless)
α thermal expansion coefficient (10− 6 K− 1)
αc thermal expansion coefficient of composite (10− 6 K− 1)
αf thermal expansion coefficient of fiber (10− 6 K− 1)
αm thermal expansion coefficient of matrix (10− 6 K− 1)
β constant in Hall-Petch equation (MN m− 3/2)
δ deflection (mm)
Δɛ strain range in fatigue cycle (dimensionless)
ɛ′f true fracture strain (dimensionless)
ɛ1,2,3 principal strain components (dimensionless)
λ thermal diffusivity (m2 s− 1)
ν vibration frequency (s− 1)
ρf density of fibers/reinforcement (Mg m− 3)
ρm density of matrix (Mg m− 3)
σf nominal fracture stress (MN m− 2)
σ′f true fracture stress (MN m− 2)
σm tensile mean stress in fatigue cycle (MN m− 2)
σr modulus of rupture (MN m− 2)
σ0 normalizing stress in Weibull equation (MN m− 2)
σ1,2,3 principal stress components (MN m− 2)
σ0.1% 0.1% proof stress (MN m− 2)
Δσ stress range in fatigue cycle (MN m− 2)
τy dislocation (shear) yield strength (MN m− 2)
ω angular velocity (s− 1)
Ω atomic volume (nm3)

(− − −) individual plane in cubic system (Miller indices)
{− − −} family of symmetry-related planes in cubic system
[− − −] individual direction in cubic system (direction indices)
〈− − −〉 family of symmetry-related directions in cubic system

Principal Formulae

Chapter 2

Exponential growth



  • C = consumption rate (ton per year)
  • r = growth rate (percent per year)
  • t = time
  • tD= doubling time

Chapter 3

Stress, strain, Poisson’s ratio, elastic moduli

σ=FA,τ=FsA,p=FA,v=lateral straintensile strainɛn=uL,γ=wL,Δ=ΔVVσ=Eɛn,τ=Gγ,p=KΔ


when v =1/3, K = E, and G = (3/8)E

  • F(Fs) = normal (shear) component of force
  • A = area
  • u(w) = normal (shear) component of displacement
  • σ(ɛn) = true tensile stress (nominal tensile strain)
  • τ(γ) = true shear stress (true engineering shear strain)
  • p(Δ) = external pressure (dilatation)
  • ν = Poisson’s ratio
  • E = Young’s modulus
  • G = shear modulus
  • K = bulk modulus.

Chapter 6

Young’s modulus (longitudinal) of unidirectional composite



Young’s modulus (transverse) of unidirectional composite


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