General Engineer

Fast Fracture and Toughness

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Fast Fracture and Toughness

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 14 Fast Fracture and Toughness Publisher Summary Sometimes structures that were properly designed to avoid both excessive elastic deflection and plastic yielding fail in a catastrophic way…

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Symbols and Formulae

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Symbols and Formulae

section epub:type=”appendix”> Appendix Symbols and Formulae Contents Principal Symbols  Other Symbols  Principal Formulae  Magnitudes of Properties  Principal Symbols Symbol Meaning (units) Note: Multiples or submultiples of basic units indicate the…

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Case Studies in Modulus-Limited Design

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Case Studies in Modulus-Limited Design

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 8 Case Studies in Modulus-Limited Design Publisher Summary This chapter discusses three case studies in modulus-limited design. The first case study is on selecting materials for racing…

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Case Studies in Yield-Limited Design

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Case Studies in Yield-Limited Design

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 13 Case Studies in Yield-Limited Design Publisher Summary This chapter examines three applications of plasticity. The first (material selection for a spring) requires no plasticity whatever. The…

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Creep and Creep Fracture

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Creep and Creep Fracture

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 21 Creep and Creep Fracture Publisher Summary Many structures—particularly those that are associated with energy conversion (e.g., turbines, reactors, steam, and chemical plant)—operate at much higher temperatures….

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Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, and Ductility

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, and Ductility

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 9 Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, and Ductility Publisher Summary All solids have an elastic limit beyond which something happens. A totally brittle solid may fracture suddenly (e.g.,…

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Kinetic Theory of Diffusion

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Kinetic Theory of Diffusion

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 22 Kinetic Theory of Diffusion Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the kinetic theory of diffusion. The rate of steady-state creep varies with temperature. έss = Ce-(Q/ṜT). This…

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Continuum Aspects of Plastic Flow

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Continuum Aspects of Plastic Flow

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 12 Continuum Aspects of Plastic Flow Publisher Summary Plastic flow occurs by shear. Dislocations move when the shear stress on the slip plane exceeds the dislocation yield…

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Fracture Probability of Brittle Materials

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Fracture Probability of Brittle Materials

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 16 Fracture Probability of Brittle Materials Publisher Summary The fracture toughness KC of ceramics and rigid polymers is very low compared to that of metals and composites….

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Fatigue Failure

Aug 9, 2021 by in General Engineer Comments Off on Fatigue Failure

section epub:type=”chapter”> Chapter 18 Fatigue Failure Publisher Summary This chapter examines the condition under which a crack is stable and would not grow, as is the condition under which it…

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